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Year 4 ‘autograph signing’

Mrs Longfils and I have been asked by lots of Year 4 about whether they’re allowed to get t-shirts, books, etc signed. If they wish to, children should bring a notebook or t-shirt (in addition to the one they are wearing) to the Leavers’ Picnic on...

Virtual School Games

Hi, everyone, hope you are all well. As we are unable to take part in any sporting events ‘The School Games’ have devised an exciting programme of virtual competitions running for the next 4 weeks. This uses sport to motivate and inspire children, to take...

Calming Minds Health Pack

Mr Fletcher has been very busy compiling a well-being pack for you. It’s full of lovely activities to help children discuss or manage their emotions throughout this challenging period. Enjoy. Calming Minds Mental Health Pack (1)

Year 4 Ipsley Transition

Hi Year 4 For those of you going to Ipsley, Miss Davies  has asked me to share this link with you. There will be more updates for you from them over the next few weeks so you can get to know about Ipsley and the teachers there a little more. ...