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Lateral Flow Device Testing in School

28th January 2021 Dear Parent and Carers, Please find below important information regarding the staff LFD testing commencing in the next few days.  I have highlighted in a bold/italic font should a staff member test positive on a weekday and the implication for you as...

School closure Monday 25th January

Hello all, After very careful consideration of the current weather, further snowfall predicted later and overnight and the extreme drop in temperatures tonight Tenacres will be closed to all pupils tomorrow. This is never an easy decision but the safety of staff...

Free School Meal Update

Hello all, Firstly, thank you all for collecting your hampers on Monday.  You all expressed positive feedback regarding the contents of the hamper both in quality and the range.  I have spoken to our caterers and relayed this to them.  The contents were based on the...

Information for W/beg Monday 11th January 2020

Good morning everybody, I hope all our families are keeping safe and well. Below is the information needed for next week whether your child is at home, remote learning or in school as a child of a Critical Worker. Remote Learning: Thank you for sending a message via...

Guide to Seesaw

Morning! I have attached a guide to Seesaw for our parents and carers whose children have joined us since September. If you have any further questions, please do email us. Miss Marshall will be posting further updates about virtual learning later on today. Mr B Guide...