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Thanks to our heroes

Children in school and those at home have taken part in many different activities to show how grateful we all are for the hard work of key workers. Here are just a few examples of what we’ve been up to: Children of key worker children have made rainbows and...

Arrangements from Monday 20th April

From Monday Tenacres is available only for the children of critical workers. The Government is very clear sending any child to school is a last resort in order to minimise the spread of Covid-19 for both children, staff and families. If you need to send your child to...

Free School Meal Vouchers

DfE_FreeSchoolMeals_ParentCarerFAQs As many of you are aware the Government has decided whilst schools are closed the Headteacher can issue an evoucher, one per week and per each child in receipt of FSM. I must stress this is not to be confused with Universal Free...

Seesaw over Easter

Thank you all for your super work over the last week. It’s been so lovely to see many of you keeping busy. We’re really keen for you all to have a well-deserved break over the Easter holidays (especially the adults who are home-schooling!). The plan for...