
Event - Mental Health Week

10 to 14 February 2020

At Tenacres we held a children's mental health week from 10th to 14th February.

Each year group chose a book to focus on during the week:

  • Reception - The Billy Goats Gruff
  • Year 1 - The mixed up chameleon
  • Year 2 - The lion inside
  • Year 3 - Giraffes can't dance
  • Year 4 - The squirrels who squabbled

Year 1 enjoyed a variety of different activities. The headbands emotions games was very popular. They also enjoyed a mindfulness session with Mr Fletcher.

Year 2 carried out many activities that helped them to stay calm and feel relaxed. This included cloud watching, bubble blowing, massages, making stress balls and yoga.

Year 3 enjoyed making their own worry monsters.

Year 4 created role plays based on a rock paper scissors video.