Year 4
Our aim in Year 4 is to continue your child’s First School education whilst setting them on the road to Middle School.
We ensure the children have a broad and balanced curriculum, taught in a variety of styles, to enable all learners to achieve their full potential. The curriculum is taught through a range of topics and whenever possible start from the children’s own ideas and interests.
This curriculum is further supported by off-site visits, visitors to school, outdoor learning and Forest School.
Our Year 4 pupils, being the most mature, are also given lots of responsibilities around school, such as administrative tasks like distributing letters, organising the hall for assemblies and helping with lunch time routines.
Some also train as Helpful Heroes to help ensure happy, friendly playtimes while others help to run our own school bank supported by HSBC.
Year 4 is an important year for children as it marks the end of their time at Tenacres and in order to ensure children feel ready and secure about their move to Year 5 we liaise carefully with middle schools.
A number of transition activities are arranged throughout the year to familiarize the children with their next stage of learning.
When the children leave us in July, we hope that we have helped nurture the adults of the future and in some small way inspired them to achieve their best.
Curriculum Information
Find out what we are learning each term (newest at the top):
- Spring 1 2024 – Temples, Tombs and Treasure
- Autumn 1 2023 – Global Guardians
- Summer 1 2023 – Rotten Romans
- Spring 2 2023 – Burps, Bottoms and Bile